Physics: Glossary
- aberration
- absorption edge
- acoustic impedance
- acoustic microscope
- acoustics
- acoustics, architectural
- aerodynamics
- anthropic principle
- aperture
- Archimedes’ principle
- astrophysics
- atmospheric optics
- atomic mass unit
- atomic model
- atomic physics
- atomic theory
- Aufbau principle
- austausch coefficient
- Avogadro’s number
- ballistics
- Bernoulli’s theorem
- binocular
- biophysics
- black
- blue
- Bohr magneton
- Bohr model
- Boltzmann constant
- brane
- brightness
- brown
- Casimir effect
- celestial mechanics
- charge conjugation
- charge conservation
- chromatic aberration
- chromophore
- collective model
- collimator
- colour
- colour wheel
- combination tone
- complementary colour
- compound-nucleus model
- condensed-matter physics
- conservation law
- cosmogony
- cosmology
- cryogenics
- crystallography
- decay constant
- decibel
- dielectric constant
- diffraction grating
- diopter
- dip circle
- dipolar hypothesis
- Doppler effect
- dynamics
- dynamo theory
- electricity
- electrogasdynamics
- electron charge
- electron microscope
- electron microscopy
- electron optics
- electron-probe microanalyzer
- electronic configuration
- electronics
- electrostatics
- electroweak theory
- energy
- energy state
- energy transfer
- conservation of energy
- envelope
- environmental scanning electron microscope (E.S.E.M.)
- excitation
- eyeglasses
- faraday
- Fermat’s principle
- Fermi level
- Feynman diagram
- fiber optics
- field-emission microscope
- filter
- fluid
- fluid mechanics
- focusing
- Franck–Hertz experiment
- Fresnel lens
- friction
- gamma-ray astronomy
- gauge theory
- geomagnetic field
- geomagnetics
- geophone
- geophysics
- gravitational constant
- gravity
- green
- heat
- high-voltage electron microscope
- holography
- hydraulic jump
- hydraulics
- hydrostatics
- law of inertia
- infrared astronomy
- infrared source
- infrasonics
- kinematics
- kinetics
- lens
- light
- conservation of linear momentum
- liquid-drop model
- loudness
- low-temperature phenomenon
- lubrication
- luminous intensity
- magic number
- magnetic survey
- magnetohydrodynamics
- magnification
- marine geophysics
- conservation of mass
- matter
- Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution
- mechanics
- metallography
- metallurgy
- metastable state
- microscope
- mineral processing
- mirror
- moment magnitude
- conservation of momentum
- multiverse
- Munsell colour system
- musical sound
- neutron optics
- Newton’s laws of motion
- noise
- noise pollution
- nuclear model
- optical axis
- optical crystallography
- optical image
- optical model
- optical pumping
- optics
- orange
- overtone
- parity
- particle physics
- periscope
- photon
- physical constant
- physics
- pitch
- Planck’s constant
- plasma
- poison
- population inversion
- primary colour
- prism
- psychophysics
- pupil
- purple
- quantum
- quantum chromodynamics
- quantum electrodynamics
- quantum field theory
- quantum mechanics
- radiation measurement
- radio astronomy
- red
- reflection
- reflection seismology
- refraction
- refrigeration
- relative aperture
- relativistic mechanics
- relativity
- renormalization
- rgb colour model
- richter scale
- rutherford model
- rydberg constant
- s-matrix
- scanning electron microscope
- scanning tunneling microscope
- seismic survey
- seismograph
- seismology
- selection rule
- shell atomic model
- shell nuclear model
- soil mechanics
- solar constant
- solar neutrino problem
- mechanics of solids
- sound
- sound intensity
- sound production
- sound reception
- speed
- speed of light
- speed of sound
- spherical aberration
- standard model
- statics
- statistical mechanics
- stereoscopy
- string theory
- sunlight
- supergravity
- supersymmetry
- symmetry
- thermodynamics
- laws of thermodynamics
- thomson atomic model
- timbre
- time reversal
- tone
- transition
- transmission electron microscope
- tribology
- tristimulus system
- ultramicroscope
- ultrasonics
- ultraviolet astronomy
- ultraviolet telescope
- unified field theory
- universal gas constant
- vector
- violet
- wave function
- wave mechanics
- wear
- white
- white noise
- X-ray astronomy
- X-ray microscope
- yellow