My Favorite Movies by Year: 2004

My Favorite Movies by Year

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Decade: 1930











Decade: 1940











Decade: 1950











Decade: 1960











  1. (2004) The Bourne Supremacy(sequel) assassin
  2. (2004) The Butterfly Effect fantasy, time travel
  3. (2004) The Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Fury(sequel) science fiction, superhero
  4. (2004) The Chronicles of Riddick(sequel) science fiction, superhero
  5. (2004) The Manchurian Candidate (remake) psychological thriller, political thriller
  6. (2004) The Passion of the Christ biopic: Jesus Christ
  7. (2004) The Village horror
  8. (2004) Van Helsing tribute to classic horror movies

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