info soybeans




Top Exporters

  1. **Brazil** - The largest exporter of soybeans, accounting for a significant share of the global market.
  2. **United States** - A major producer and exporter, particularly to countries like China.
  3. **Argentina** - One of the largest exporters, especially of processed soybean products like soybean meal.
  4. **Paraguay** - A significant South American exporter, contributing to the global supply.
  5. **Canada** - A notable North American exporter of soybeans.
  6. **Uruguay** - Contributing to soybean exports from South America.
  7. **Ukraine** - A European player in soybean production and exports.
  8. **Russia** - Exporting soybeans primarily to nearby countries.
  9. **China** - While mostly a large importer, China also exports some soybeans.
  10. **India** - Grows and exports soybeans, mainly to Asia and the Middle East.
  11. **Bolivia** - A smaller South American exporter of soybeans.
  12. **Serbia** - A European country that contributes to the global soybean market.
  13. **Romania** - Another European soybean exporter.
  14. **Italy** - Engages in soybean production and exports.
  15. **France** - Produces and exports soybeans within Europe.
  16. **Germany** - A small but growing player in soybean exports.
  17. **Indonesia** - An Asian producer and exporter.
  18. **Vietnam** - Grows soybeans and exports them in the regional market.
  19. **Mexico** - A smaller soybean exporter in the Americas.
  20. **South Africa** - A key African exporter of soybeans.