info coal




Top Exporters

  1. **Australia** – Leading in both thermal coal and metallurgical coal exports.
  2. **Indonesia** – Major exporter of thermal coal.
  3. **Russia** – Significant exporter of both thermal and coking coal.
  4. **United States** – Exporter of metallurgical coal and some thermal coal.
  5. **South Africa** – Key thermal coal exporter.
  6. **Colombia** – Known for high-quality thermal coal exports.
  7. **Canada** – Mostly exports metallurgical coal.
  8. **Mongolia** – Growing exporter, especially to China.
  9. **Kazakhstan** – Primarily exports thermal coal.
  10. **Poland** – Regional coal exporter in Europe.
  11. **Mozambique** – Increasing exports of metallurgical coal.
  12. **China** – Exports some coal despite being a major consumer.
  13. **Vietnam** – Exporter, though with a focus on regional markets.
  14. **Ukraine** – Before the conflict, was a notable exporter of thermal coal.
  15. **Czech Republic** – Regional exporter within Europe.
  16. **New Zealand** – Mainly metallurgical coal exports.
  17. **India** – Though primarily a coal importer, some exports occur.
  18. **Philippines** – Minor exports to regional markets.
  19. **Germany** – Exports lignite coal.
  20. **Botswana** – Emerging coal exporter in Africa.