In 1752, Benjamin Franklin discovered that Electricity could be controlled, using a kite and a key in a lightning storm.
In 1800, Italian scientist Alessandro Volta invented the electric battery, which stores Direct Current. In 1802, Humphry Davy used it to produce light. In 1879, Thomas Edison invented the first commercially viable Light Bulb.
In 1887, Nikola Tesla built his first Alternating Current induction motor, establishing how modern electrical power would be produced.
Main Components:
Induction Coil, Magnet, and Power Line.
The magnet spins inside the inductor coil, causing electricity to flow through the power line.
But how do you cause the magnet to spin? That is the one trillion dollar question.
Hydroelectric Dam pushes it with water, using the natural force of a water fall.
Internal Combustion Engine burns Crude Oil and Natural Gas, causing a piston to move, which then pushes the magnet.
Coal and Nuclear Plants boil water, and the steam pushes the magnet.
Wind Turbine catches wind from the air, which pushes the turbine, which pushes the magnet.