Animals: Glossary
- aardvark
- aardwolf
- abyssinian
- acouchy
- adapiform
- addax
- affenpinscher
- afghan hound
- african bush elephant
- african forest elephant
- african pouched rat
- african spiny mouse
- african wild dog
- african wildcat
- agouti
- airedale terrier
- akita
- alaskan malamute
- albino
- alpaca
- ambondro
- american quarter horse
- american saddlebred horse
- american spiny rat
- american staffordshire terrier
- american water spaniel
- pony of the americas
- amphitherium
- angora goat
- angus
- anomalure
- anteater
- antelope
- aoudad
- ape
- appaloosa
- arabian horse
- arctic fox
- ardipithecus
- argali
- armadillo
- arsinoitherium
- artiodactyl
- asian tree mouse
- asiatic black bear
- ass
- asselar man
- aurochs
- australian cattle dog
- australian shepherd
- australian terrier
- australopithecus
- australopithecus sediba
- avahi
- aye-aye
- ayrshire
- babirusa
- baboon
- bactrian camel
- badger
- baleen whale
- bamboo rat
- bandicoot
- bandicoot rat
- banteng
- barasingha
- barb
- barbary macaque
- barbastelle
- barylambda
- basenji
- basilosaurid
- basilosaurus
- basset hound
- bat
- bat-eared fox
- batodonoides
- beagle
- beaked whale
- bear
- bearded collie
- bearded seal
- beaver
- bedlington terrier
- beisa
- belgian horse
- belgian malinois
- belgian sheepdog
- beluga
- bengal tiger
- berkshire
- bernese mountain dog
- bichon frise
- bighorn sheep
- bilby
- binturong
- birch mouse
- bison
- black bear
- black panther
- black rhinoceros
- black-tailed deer
- blackbuck
- blesbok
- blesmol
- blind mole rat
- bloodhound
- blue sheep
- blue whale
- boar
- bobcat
- boer
- bongo
- bonnet monkey
- bonobo
- border collie
- border terrier
- borhyaenidae
- borzoi
- boskop skull
- boston terrier
- bottlenose dolphin
- bottlenose whale
- bouvier des flandres
- bovid
- boxer
- brahman
- briard
- brittany
- brocket
- brontothere
- brown bat
- brown bear
- brown four-eyed opossum
- brown rat
- brown swiss
- brussels griffon
- bull
- bull terrier
- bulldog
- bulldog bat
- burmese
- bush baby
- bush dog
- bush pig
- bushbuck
- cacomistle
- cairn terrier
- calico cat
- camel
- camelops
- canaan dog
- cane corso
- cane rat
- canine
- cape buffalo
- capuchin monkey
- capybara
- caracal
- carnivore
- cashmere goat
- castorocauda
- castoroides
- cat
- cattle
- cavalier king charles spaniel
- cave bear
- cavy
- cayuse
- cetacean
- chacma
- chalicotherium
- chamois
- chancelade skeleton
- charolais
- cheetah
- chesapeake bay retriever
- cheviot
- chevrotain
- chihuahua dog
- chimpanzee
- chinchilla
- chinchilla rat
- chinese crested
- chinese shar-pei
- chinese water deer
- chipmunk
- chiru
- chital
- chow chow
- civet
- cleveland bay
- cloud rat
- clouded leopard
- clumber spaniel
- clydesdale
- coati
- cocker spaniel
- collie
- colobus
- condylarthra
- connemara
- coonhound
- coryphodon
- cotton rat
- cottontail
- cow
- coydog
- coyote
- crab-eating fox
- crabeater seal
- creodonta
- crest-tailed marsupial rat
- crested black macaque
- criollo
- cro-magnon
- curly-coated retriever
- cuscus
- cutting horse
- dachshund
- dall sheep
- dalmatian
- dandie dinmont terrier
- dartmoor
- dassie rat
- dasyurid
- debrazza’s monkey
- deer
- deer mouse
- degu
- deltatheridium
- denisovan
- desert dormouse
- desman
- dhole
- diana monkey
- dibatag
- dik-dik
- dingo
- dinohyus
- diprotodon
- dire wolf
- disk-winged bat
- doberman pinscher
- docodon
- dog
- dogo argentino
- dolphin
- domestic shorthair
- donkey
- dormouse
- douc
- drill
- dromedary
- dryopithecus
- dugong
- duiker
- duroc
- durukuli
- echidna
- egg tooth
- ehringsdorf remains
- eland
- elephant
- elephant seal
- elephant shrew
- elk
- enaliarctos
- english setter
- english toy spaniel
- entelodont
- eohippus
- equine
- ermine
- eskimo dog
- fallow deer
- false vampire bat
- feathertail
- feline
- fennec
- ferret
- fin whale
- finnish spitz
- fisher
- fishing cat
- flat-coated retriever
- flat-headed cat
- florida panther
- flying fox
- flying lemur
- flying squirrel
- fossa
- four-eyed opossum
- fox
- fox terrier
- foxhound
- free-tailed bat
- french bulldog
- fringe-lipped bat
- frosted bat
- fruit bat
- fur seal
- ganlea megacanina
- gaur
- gayal
- gazelle
- gelada
- gemsbok
- genet
- geoffroy’s cat
- gerbil
- gerenuk
- german shepherd
- german wirehaired pointer
- ghost bat
- giant panda
- gibbon
- gigantopithecus
- giraffe
- glider
- glyptodon
- gnu
- goat
- goat antelope
- golden cat
- golden hamster
- golden lion marmoset
- golden mole
- golden retriever dog
- gomphothere
- goral
- gordon setter
- gorilla
- grampus
- grasshopper mouse
- gray fox
- gray seal
- gray whale
- gray wolf
- great dane
- great pyrenees
- greyhound
- grison
- grivet
- grizzly bear
- ground squirrel
- groundhog
- guanaco
- guenon
- guereza
- guernsey
- guide dog
- guinea pig
- gundi
- gymnure
- hackney
- hackney pony
- hamadryas
- hampshire sheep
- hampshire pig
- hamster
- harbour seal
- hare
- harp seal
- hartebeest
- harvest mouse
- hedgehog
- heidelberg jaw
- heifer
- herding dog
- hereford
- himalayan
- hippopotamus
- hipposideridae
- hoary bat
- hog
- holstein-friesian
- hominidae
- hominin
- homo
- homo erectus
- homo floresiensis
- homo habilis
- homo heidelbergensis
- homo naledi
- homo sapiens
- homo sapiens sapiens
- hooded seal
- horse
- horseshoe bat
- hound
- house mouse
- howler monkey
- humpback whale
- hutia
- hyaenodon
- hyena
- hyrax
- ibex
- impala
- incubation
- indian rhinoceros
- indri
- indricotherium
- indridae
- insectivore
- irish elk
- irish setter
- irish terrier
- irish water spaniel
- irish wolfhound
- jack russell terrier
- jackal
- jackrabbit
- jaguar
- jaguarundi
- jamaican fruit bat
- japanese spaniel
- java man
- javan rhinoceros
- jerboa
- jersey
- jumping mouse
- kanchil
- kangaroo
- kangaroo mouse
- kangaroo rat
- karakul
- keeshond
- kerry blue terrier
- Key deer
- kiang
- killer whale
- kinkajou
- kipunji
- klipspringer
- knockout mouse
- koala
- kob
- kobus
- kodiak bear
- kolinsky
- komondor
- kouprey
- krapina remains
- kudu
- kuvasz
- labrador retriever
- lagomorph
- lakeland terrier
- lamancha
- lamb
- langur
- lantian man
- large mouse-eared bat
- laughing hyena
- leaf-nosed bat
- lechwe
- lemming
- lemur
- leopard
- leopard cat
- leopard seal
- lhasa apso
- liger
- linsang
- lion
- lipizzaner
- litoptern
- llama
- llanocetus denticrenatus
- long-eared bat
- longhair
- loris
- lucy
- lynx
- maba cranium
- macaque
- maine coon cat
- maltese
- mammal
- mammalogy
- mammoth
- manatee
- manchester terrier
- mandrill
- maned rat
- maned wolf
- mangabey
- manx
- mara
- marbled cat
- margay
- markhor
- marmoset
- marmot
- marsupial
- marsupial mole
- marsupial mouse
- marsupium
- marten
- mastiff
- mastiff bat
- mastodon
- meadow vole
- meerkat
- megatherium
- merino
- merychippus
- mesohippus
- mexican hairless
- miacis
- miner’s cat
- miniature pinscher
- mink
- miohippus
- missouri fox-trotting horse
- moeritherium
- mole
- mona monkey
- mongoose
- monito del monte
- monk seal
- monkey
- monotreme
- moonrat
- moose
- morgan
- morganucodon
- moropus
- mouflon
- mountain beaver
- mountain goat
- mouse
- mouse opossum
- mule
- mule deer
- multituberculate
- muntjac
- muridae
- murray grey
- musk deer
- musk ox
- muskrat
- mustelid
- mylodon
- naked mole rat
- narwhal
- native cat
- neanderthal
- new zealand short-tailed bat
- newfoundland
- nilgai
- noctule
- northern white rhinoceros
- norwegian elkhound
- norwich terrier
- notharctus
- notoungulate
- nova scotia duck tolling retriever
- nubian
- numbat
- nutria
- nyala
- oberhasli
- ocelot
- okapi
- old english sheepdog
- old world fruit bat
- olingo
- onager
- opossum
- orangutan
- oreodont
- oreopithecus
- oribi
- oryx
- otter
- otter shrew
- otterhound
- oviparity
- owl-faced monkey
- ox
- paca
- pacarana
- pakicetus
- pallas’s cat
- palomino
- pampas cat
- pangolin
- panther
- papillon
- patagonian opossum
- patas monkey
- peccary
- peking man
- pekingese
- peninj mandible
- percheron
- pere david’s deer
- perissodactyl
- persian deer
- phalanger
- phenacodus
- phoberomys
- phyllostomidae
- pichi
- pichiciago
- pig
- pika
- pilot whale
- pinniped
- pinto
- pipistrelle
- pit bull
- pithecanthropus
- placental mammal
- platypus
- pliohippus
- pocket gopher
- pocket mouse
- pointer
- poland china
- polar bear
- polecat
- pomeranian
- pony
- poodle
- porcupine
- porpoise
- potto
- prairie dog
- primate
- proboscidean
- proboscis monkey
- procyonid
- pronghorn
- przewalski’s horse
- ptilodus
- pug
- puku
- puli
- puma
- quagga
- quokka
- rabbit
- raccoon
- raccoon dog
- ramapithecus
- rambouillet
- rasse
- rat
- rat kangaroo
- rat opossum
- ratel
- red bat
- red deer
- red flyer
- red fox
- red panda
- red river hog
- reedbuck
- reindeer
- retriever
- rex cat
- rhesus monkey
- rhinoceros
- rhodesian ridgeback
- ribbon seal
- rice rat
- right whale
- ringed seal
- river dolphin
- roan antelope
- rodent
- roe deer
- rorqual
- ross seal
- rottweiler
- royal antelope
- ruminant
- russian blue
- saanen
- sable
- sable antelope
- sabre-toothed cat
- saccopastore skulls
- saiga
- saint bernard
- saki
- saluki
- sambar
- samoyed
- sand rat
- santa gertrudis
- saro
- schipperke
- schnauzer
- scottish deerhound
- scottish fold cat
- scottish terrier
- sea cow
- sea lion
- sea otter
- seal
- sealyham terrier
- sei whale
- seladang
- serotine
- serow
- serval
- setter
- sheath-tailed bat
- sheep
- sheepdog
- shetland pony
- shetland sheepdog
- shiba inu
- shih tzu
- shire
- short-tailed opossum
- short-tailed shrew
- shorthorn
- shrew
- shrew rat
- shropshire
- siamang
- siamese
- siberian husky
- siberian tiger
- sifaka
- sika
- silky terrier
- silver fox
- simakobu
- simocetus
- sinanthropus
- sirenian
- sitatunga
- sivapithecus
- skunk
- skye terrier
- sled dog
- slit-faced bat
- sloth
- sloth bear
- smilodon
- smoky bat
- snow leopard
- snow sheep
- snowshoe hare
- snub-nosed monkey
- soft-coated wheaten terrier
- solenodon
- solo man
- south american fox
- southdown
- southern white rhinoceros
- spalacotherium
- spaniel
- spectacled bear
- sperm whale
- sphynx cat
- spider monkey
- spitz
- spring hare
- springbok
- springer spaniel
- squirrel
- squirrel monkey
- staffordshire bull terrier
- standardbred
- steer
- steinheim skull
- suffolk sheep
- suffolk horse
- suid
- sumatran rhinoceros
- sun bear
- suslik
- sussex spaniel
- swamp monkey
- tabby
- taeniodont
- tahr
- takin
- talapoin
- tamarau
- tamarin
- tapir
- tarpan
- tarsier
- tasmanian devil
- tayra
- teacup dog
- teledu
- tennessee walking horse
- tenrec
- terrier
- thick-tailed opossum
- thoroughbred
- thylacine
- thylacosmilus
- tibetan terrier
- tiger
- tigon
- titanothere
- titi
- toggenburg
- toothed whale
- topi
- toxodon
- toy dog
- tree shrew
- triconodon
- tuco-tuco
- turkish angora cat
- turkish van cat
- tylopod
- uakari
- uintatherium
- ungulate
- urial
- vampire bat
- vervet
- vesper bat
- vicuna
- virginia opossum
- viscacha
- viverrid
- vizsla
- vole
- wallaby
- wallaroo
- walrus
- warthog
- water buffalo
- water opossum
- water rat
- water shrew
- waterbuck
- weasel
- weddell seal
- weimaraner
- welsh corgi
- welsh pony
- welsh terrier
- west highland white terrier
- whale
- whippet
- white tiger
- white-handed gibbon
- white-tailed deer
- white-toothed shrew
- wildcat
- wolf
- wolverine
- wombat
- wood mouse
- woodland vole
- woodrat
- woolly mammoth
- woolly monkey
- woolly opossum
- woolly rhinoceros
- woolly spider monkey
- working dog
- xenarthran
- yak
- yorkshire
- yorkshire terrier dog
- zebra
- zokor
- zorille